things that irritate me

Pet Peeves: A small list of annoyances

The stuff that bothers me, in convenient list-form. I’ll be back to update as necessary. Many of these may get their own post.

  • when the inside of the food is frozen, but the outside burns your mouth (see: microwaves)
  • wearing brown shoes with a black belt (or the opposite)
  • radio feedback
  • keyboards that aren’t QWERTY. (Dvorak gets a pass, if only for uniqueness)
  • referring to heavy metal music as “Screamo”
  • When the person performing roll-call can’t pronounce any of the names
  • people who print out e-mails and bring them to you, in-person
  • CaMeLcAsE
  • telemarketers
  • Microsoft
  • The amount of bobby pins a woman can leave around
  • people who don’t read books
  • bad breath
  • when stupid people passionately argue clearly wrong views
  • when smart people passionately argue clearly wrong views
  • adults who enjoyed Twilight
  • web-apps that only work with one browser
    • Note: If that browser is Internet Explorer, you can die in a fire.
  • Cars with after-market spoilers and stock engines
  • people who answer “yes” or “no” questions with a 30+ minute explanation
  • lying
  • the following naming-convention for network types:
    • Stub Area
    • Totally Stubby Area
    • Not So Stubby Area
  • Consumer-grade wireless routers
  • referring to the same thing by several different names (e.g. spatula, flipper, etc)
  • the lack of understanding of your/you’re or their/there/they’re
    • people who will go out of their way to correct you on this
  • asking for an opinion and then ignoring it
  • people who mark all meeting requests as “tentative”
  • people who stand too close when they talk to you
  • filenames with spaces in them.txt
  • people who seem to exist without spell-check
  • People who incessantly change lanes thinking that it makes them arrive sooner
  • When someone steals jokes from a meme and acts as though it’s an original thought.
  • People who sneak in at the last minute and steal your parking space
  • Clip-on or zipper neckties.
  • Dust covers (books)
  • Reply-All on emails
  • people who mix up “i.e.” and “e.g.




I don’t know what you’re expecting to see here.

Late last summer my wife convinced me to follow her on an awful diet. In an effort to make it less miserable, I used Facebook to mini-blog the event, which then lead to several requests to have my own blog; which I don’t quite understand. I’ve been asked to quit my whining my entire life, but the minute I put it into a public forum, I’m told that I should have a dedicated space for it? You people are absolutely weird.


I’m not sure what the worth of this is — but I’m willing to give it a shot, if for nothing more than a weird experiment. Don’t expect anything special.